How many chains is Polkadot able to connect?



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Rozwiń widok Przegląd tematu: How many chains is Polkadot able to connect?

Re: How many chains is Polkadot able to connect?

autor: Legolasov » 2022-12-01, 12:05

Scalability is built into the Polkadot network. As a result, there is no restriction on the number of chains that can be linked. According to early calculations, Polkadot's core design can handle dozens, if not hundreds, of parachains. Due to this, it was determined that should i buy Polkadot.

How many chains is Polkadot able to connect?

autor: BillyFreeman » 2022-12-01, 11:52

How many chains is Polkadot able to connect?

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